St Helens Young Carers Centre

A Young Carer is someone aged 6-21 who provides regular or ongoing care and emotional support towards a family member who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or missuses drugs or alcohol. 

They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult.

We believe every Young Carer should have the same opportunities as other

children and young people of a similar age.

  • "Hidden" - The Movie

    You can now watch our Amazing dramatic movie "Hidden" about the life of a Young Carer and staring St Helens Young Carers Ambassador, Jude Riordan (Sam from Coronation Street) by pressing here

    Young Carers Newsletter

    See What we have been up to in our most recent Newsletter! Click the image to find out.

    Keep up to date

    Keep up to date with what we get up to by following us on Instagram @sth.yc

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